Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I don't know if it's that fewer houses come on the market in the winter months or what...but I haven't gotten a single budget-friendly listing update that I deemed post worthy since September. That is, until now. This pretty little thing showed up in my inbox yesterday. It's in St. Remy (apparently home to all cute-as-a-button gingerbread Victorians) and it's listed at $239,000. Details are here. Come be my neighbor!


  1. Oh my! I adore this - what site are you registered with that sends you these? I've been looking on trulia and homefinder and I've yet to see something this adorable.

  2. i get my listing updates from westwood metes and bounds. that's the agency we used back when we were house hunting. they mainly specialize in ulster county...but also have listings for the surrounding counties. when i signed up for an account online i filled out all of my requirements (number of bedrooms, square feet, maximum price etc...) and they gave me a big list of towns and i checked off which ones i wanted to receive listings for. it's pretty awesome.

    here's their website:

  3. thanks! we're thinking of moving back to ny next year and upstate could be an option. those gingerbread victorians are a dream! i'd love to find something like that.
