Saturday, May 22, 2010


Justin and I have accumulated an unbelievable amount of books.  When we packed up our old apartment we ended up with about 40 boxes of them.  And since we moved in to our new house we have acquired about 10 MORE boxes.  So, one of the first things we have to do to get this place in shape is build bookshelves.  LOTS of them.  

I love the look of statement bookshelves.  You know....ones that go wall to wall, floor to ceiling, over doors, around windows.  And if there's a big tall ladder involved that's even better!

Here are some images I pulled for inspiration:

There are two spots in our house where we are going to do some form of wall to wall books.  The first is in the living room around the pocket doors that lead to the foyer (photo below).  The plan is to build bookcases that fit on either side of the door and that connect with a shelf above the door.  My dad is going to help with this one.

And the other spot is in the attic studio (photo below...please excuse the mess!).  Since there are exposed beams that go vertically from floor to ceiling we decided to go super utilitarian and put metal shelf tracks on each one.  We've already done the area to the right of the window....but we're going to do the whole wall...all the way up to the tippy-top.  

Sources: (from top to bottom) 1: design is mine, 2: flickr, 3: flickr, 4: apartment therapy, 5: katy elliott, 6: flickr, 7 & 8: apartment therapy, 9: katy elliott, 10: flickr.


  1. DARBS.
    I spent the past 2 days collcting bookshelf inspiration for the front room of the apt!!!! BRAIN CONNEX

  2. That attic will look sweet with floor to ceiling books...I can't wait to see the place tomorrow.
